
How the Pandemic Brought Permanent Changes to Education

The disruptive effects of the pandemic have been well-publicized. Unfortunately, disruption took place across every setting, not just in supply chains and consumer buying habits. In fact, Covid has had a widespread effect in terms of bringing significant changes to education. Many experts believe these changes to education are here to stay. However, these changes don’t spell doom and gloom for…
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Digital TransformationSociety

Digital Transformation Moving to Main Street

For the last 5 years, big tech companies like Adobe, Microsoft, Salesforce, and Google have talked about the term “digital transformation.” The idea being, moving old systems into the digital and virtual world. At the large company level, those changes were accelerated…

The Upcoming Trends of Construction and Technology

Gone are the days when construction companies used to only rely on spreadsheets, maintain folders, and perform paperwork. Technology has changed the entire outlook of the construction industry. When we talk about embedding technology in construction, we refer to multiple…

What Does the Future of Telehealth Look Like?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, most of us got a glimpse of the potential future of telehealth. Telehealth, or telemedicine, is the ongoing delivery and execution of any health- or medicine-related services in a remote setting, using telecommunications and digital communication channels. That’s kind of a vague definition, but it includes things like doctor’s visits, check-ins, consultations…
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Customer SatisfactionData Science

The Role of Data Science in Improving Customer Satisfaction

The world’s most successful companies set their focus on customer satisfaction. The reason being that customers leave organizations where they are not satisfied with the service. New products with unique and improved features will continue to pop up in the market. Still, the customer would rather continue doing business with companies that serviced them well over time. This is why companies have…
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Self-Driving VehiclesSociety

Is the Public Ready to Accept Deaths From Self-Driving Car Accidents?

Self-driving cars are set to dramatically reduce accident rates as well as injuries and deaths from those accidents. But as they roll out and become more commonplace, they’re probably going to get some people killed. In fact, there are already early reports of fatalities caused by self-driving cars; tests of Uber’s fully autonomous vehicles have resulted in both injuries and deaths, and…
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