Self-Driving VehiclesSociety

Is the Public Ready to Accept Deaths From Self-Driving Car Accidents?

Self-driving cars are set to dramatically reduce accident rates as well as injuries and deaths from those accidents. But as they roll out and become more commonplace, they’re probably going to get some people killed. In fact, there are already early reports of fatalities caused by self-driving cars; tests of Uber’s fully autonomous vehicles have resulted in both injuries and deaths, and…
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COVID-19Future of Work

The Hybrid Work Paradox

As I meet with leaders across industries, it’s clear there is no single standard or blueprint for hybrid work. Every organization’s approach will need to be different to meet the unique needs of their people. According to our research, the vast majority of employees say…
Big TechTechnology

Breaking Up Big Tech Would Be A Mistake

It seems safe to say that our honeymoon with Big Tech is officially over. After years of questionable data-handling procedures, arbitrary content management policies and outright anti-competitive practices, it is only fair that we take a moment to rethink our relationship with the industry. Sadly, most of the ideas that have gathered mainstream attention — such as the calls to break up Big Tech…
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Artificial IntelligenceDiversity

Diversity And Inclusion In AI

Due to the advent of the Industrial Revolution and the advancement of computer technology, we have seen a drastic change in the way we have lived over the past few decades. Our lives revolve around technology, and it is becoming more pervasive every year. Artificial…
BlockchainDecentralized Finance

Decentralized Finance Solutions: A Brief Guide

The total value of assets invested in different DeFi applications has risen to a staggering $24.57 billion now. It has received greater attention now due to the severe economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Decentralized Finance (DeFi) solutions use blockchain technology to maintain a high level of transparency through a distributed ledger while executing business operations. Just…
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Consumers Deserve a Data Dividend

It is well understood that consumers are the product on the internet. We are packaged by ubiquitous click-to-accept data collection policies that have all the usurious qualities of payday loans. Euphemistically called “privacy policies” these click-wrap contracts force…

No More “De-Root and Rule”: The Need for Digital Roots

“To be rooted is perhaps the most important and least recognised need of the human soul.” So wrote Simone Weil in The Need for Roots (L’Enracinement in the original French [1, p. 43]). In this book, she sets out, firstly, a subjective/objective contrast between rights and obligations, and argues that obligations are the more fundamental concept, on the grounds that these obligations stem…
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